Michael Johns to Provide Election and Policy Analysis on Sirius Satellite
Republican strategist and conservative writer Michael Johns, a former White House speechwriter and Heritage Foundation policy analyst, said today that the 2008 Presidential election is beginning to line up as one of the most clear-cut ideological electoral choices of modern times, and that the proven and enduring success of conservative policies can again prevail this November, ushering in a new era of policy-driven momentum for 21st century conservatism.
Michael will discuss the 2008 Presidential primary and general elections, the current state of the global war against Islamic terrorism in Iraq and elsewhere, the challenges confronting American health care and solutions to them, and why expanded American economic growth through market-driven policies, not massive federal income redistribution schemes, is the key to strengthening America at home and abroad. He says that the outcome of the 2008 Presidential election will prove a defining moment for the nation.
A New Jersey-based health care executive, Michael has over 20 years of global public policy and national political experience, having served as a White House speechwriter to former President George H. W. Bush, a senior aide to a United States Senator and Governor, and a policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation. Michael has appeared on PBS, CNBC, C-SPAN, Fox News, and other networks and has written for The Wall Street Journal, The Christian Science Monitor, National Review, Policy Review, and other publications. He currently authors one of the most widely-read conservative public policy blogs on the World Wide Web, available at:
A supporter of Republican Presidential candidate John McCain, Michael's analysis can be heard globally from the New York City studios of Sirius Satellite this Tuesday February 26, from 5pm to 6pm EST (10pm to 11pm GMT), on Sirius's INDIE Talk Channel 110.

Michael will discuss the 2008 Presidential primary and general elections, the current state of the global war against Islamic terrorism in Iraq and elsewhere, the challenges confronting American health care and solutions to them, and why expanded American economic growth through market-driven policies, not massive federal income redistribution schemes, is the key to strengthening America at home and abroad. He says that the outcome of the 2008 Presidential election will prove a defining moment for the nation.
A New Jersey-based health care executive, Michael has over 20 years of global public policy and national political experience, having served as a White House speechwriter to former President George H. W. Bush, a senior aide to a United States Senator and Governor, and a policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation. Michael has appeared on PBS, CNBC, C-SPAN, Fox News, and other networks and has written for The Wall Street Journal, The Christian Science Monitor, National Review, Policy Review, and other publications. He currently authors one of the most widely-read conservative public policy blogs on the World Wide Web, available at:
A supporter of Republican Presidential candidate John McCain, Michael's analysis can be heard globally from the New York City studios of Sirius Satellite this Tuesday February 26, from 5pm to 6pm EST (10pm to 11pm GMT), on Sirius's INDIE Talk Channel 110.
I'm sure it will be a terrific and informative hour. Unfortunately I have XM and not Sirius. Any chance of putting it on online anytime soon? I'd love to hear it.
Ed Smith
Hi, Not to go into a lengthy reason why. I can almost say with certainty the way this Prsidential campaign is headed John McCain will be the next Preident of the United States.
It is hard for me to understand a conservative supporting John McCain. Seems to me that to do this you must believe that fighting for open borders during a time of war is patriotic not betrayal.
I read an interesting book recently. It is titled “War against Islam” and the author is George P. Robertson.
This novel is a fictional depiction of the rise of a right-wing Presidential candidate who wins the 2008 election, takes measures to reduce American dependence on Middle Eastern oil and then wages unfettered war on Islamic nations.
Sort of a mix between George Bush and Pat Robertson for President.
Quite a stretch of the imagination by the author, but not beyond the possible, especialy if America is jarred once again by fresh terrorist attacks. The facts are quite well researched.
Looking at a couple of reviews of the book on Amazon.com, the book has already generated some controversy.
Very interesting read. Not exactly the info I was Googling for. Thanks for sharing your views
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