Michael Johns to Discuss Selection of Republican Vice Presidential Nominee
Republican strategist and conservative writer Michael Johns, a former White House speechwriter and Heritage Foundation policy analyst, will discuss the Republican Vice Presidential selection process and the various candidates under consideration tomorrow morning, August 28, 2008, from 8:35am EDT/5:35am PDT to 9am EDT/6am PDT on Sirius Satellite's "Me and Vinnie" show, broadcast on Sirius's Indie Talk Channel 110.
Presumptive Republican Presidential nominee John McCain is widely expected to announce his Vice Presidential running mate this Friday, August 29, 2008, in Dayton, Ohio.
Sirius's "Me and Vinnie" show is hosted by Vinnie Politan, a former New Jersey prosecutor and Court TV host and reporter.

Presumptive Republican Presidential nominee John McCain is widely expected to announce his Vice Presidential running mate this Friday, August 29, 2008, in Dayton, Ohio.
Sirius's "Me and Vinnie" show is hosted by Vinnie Politan, a former New Jersey prosecutor and Court TV host and reporter.