Monday, November 3, 2008

The False and Dangerous Promises of the Pelosi-Reid-Obama Triumvirate

Republican strategist and conservative writer Michael Johns, a former White House speechwriter and Heritage Foundation policy analyst, this afternoon will discuss the dangers inherent in giving liberal Democrats sole control of the White House and both houses of Congress in tomorrow's Presidential and Congressional election. His analysis can be heard globally on Sirius Satellite's Indie Talk Channel 110, hosted by Sirius' Joe Salzone, from 5pm EST/2pm PST to 6pm EST/3pm PST today.

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Anonymous said...

Like with most things in the world today, it helps to have better marketing than the competition.


Real News Report said...

nice blog.. check out my blog for the republican 2012 futures:


Anonymous said...

nice blog..

Anonymous said...

good bog and good post, found you on facebook

Anonymous said...

Here's something to read to your children, after putting the last piece of "government-issued" wood in the fire.

Anonymous said...

I loved all the great information on politics and thought it was very interesting along with all the great information inside the news articles. Thank you very much great job!

Anonymous said...

The party system has failed America for too long. Unilateral Republican government is just as bad as Democratic. We truly need a system of checks and balances. What we have now is a travesty that boils all political discussion down to the lowest common denominator.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this blog. I will continue to read. God bless you

Anonymous said...

Mr. Johns, I write you from Singapore. I watch you on television here--and I want you to know that you are a great hope for our world. You are the hope, not Obama. God has chosen and blessed you. You are brave and very smart and you also speak to our people. Please continue to help us. We rely on you.

Anonymous said...

Its nice to have a little inside information. I agree with the earlier post. We need better marketing. We know our ideas are right we just seem to have a little trouble being heard above the liberal media machine.